That is the cutest elephant!! I'm glad he likes watching American Idol. :) hehehe
Are you kidding me? Did you MAKE that?! Please start an etsy shop so I can buy the whole Noah's Ark set from you!
That elephant is so cute!!! He's got a case of "the big head" 'cause he knows he's so cute!
Adorable.Are you designing these yourself? Great job.
Love the elephant. I've never pulled off crocheting! This makes me want to!
I just had to pop over from Wee Wonderfuls and visit another Leigh! I am just getting started with knitting and am already addicted! Of course, this means I just love your blog! That elephant is just the cutest!!!
That elephant is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Musicians Who Knit and Crochet Power By Ringsurf
Crochet Blogs Power By Ringsurf
That is the cutest elephant!! I'm glad he likes watching American Idol. :) hehehe
Are you kidding me? Did you MAKE that?! Please start an etsy shop so I can buy the whole Noah's Ark set from you!
That elephant is so cute!!! He's got a case of "the big head" 'cause he knows he's so cute!
Are you designing these yourself? Great job.
Love the elephant. I've never pulled off crocheting! This makes me want to!
I just had to pop over from Wee Wonderfuls and visit another Leigh! I am just getting started with knitting and am already addicted! Of course, this means I just love your blog! That elephant is just the cutest!!!
That elephant is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
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