Monday, May 14, 2007


What a weekend. In good and bad ways.... We had a wonderful time seeing family this weekend - with Mother's Day and my niece's birthday in the same weekend, we all saw plenty of each other! And I ate a lot. I'm serious - a lot. But Dad made blue-cheese-stuffed burgers - need I say more? And then all the birthday cake and cheesecake just sitting around? Man oh man! The worst part of the weekend was I spend it all in an allergy-induced fog. Bluh.

I did get to knit a bit over the weekend. I finished up the body of the Booga Bag and started the I-cord. See?

Sorry about the fuzzy pic. It appears I have a jumpy hand when taking pics with no flash. I only have a couple more feet to knit on the I-cord, and then I can felt it all! I'm going to felt the body of my needle case at the same time.

Then I remembered that the baby hat I need to make is for a baby shower this next weekend. So I started back up with that one and I have a couple inches of it done.

I'm excited about this next weekend - my mommies group is having a yard sale. So if you're in the Richmond area, come and check it out. I'm excited about this for so many reasons.

  • I get to reclaim my guest room from the piles and piles of things that have invaded.
  • I get to shop everyone else's things. I love yard sale shopping! (this may directly conflict with the above reason, but I promise I'll only buy what I need.)
  • I'm taking my knitting with me, so when I'm not shopping or selling, I'll be getting some work done!

So this week I need to figure out which knitting project to take. I might take the cables from my needles case - that will be a small and pretty portable project.

Also up this week - finally getting my tomatoes in the ground. We'll see how that goes... I'm an enthusiastic but very un-experienced gardener.


NH Knitting Mama said...

Your booga bag looks great. Good luck with your gardening!

sherriknits said...

I love your booga bag! When I made mine I learned 2 things. It's easier to weave the handle in before felting, and I made the handle in 2 pieces because when I cut the first one in half, it had such sharp ends that way.

Sounds like lots of fun stuff going on in your life!

Kellie said...

Your booga bag is beautiful :) You are SO ahead of me! I'm glad it is turning out so well, you needed good knitting mojo after the gauge fiascos. Enjoy your yard sale knitting!